15-May. Category:Info camping
Do you love travelling as a family but lack ideas on how to entertain your children during the trip? Here are some tips to keep the family entertained along the way and during your holiday:
Road games:
Games such as "I see, I see" or "word chain games" are excellent options to play during the trip. You can also make a list of things to look for while driving, such as animals, signs or specific coloured cars. Another fun game that is good for young and old alike is to play geography, answering questions such as "capital of ..." - a fun way to spend time learning!
There are also special markers for windows, and if you don't mind cleaning the windows afterwards, it's a fun way for them to have fun painting and erasing on the windows next to their seat.
Take some books, magazines or comics so that each member of the family can have something to read during the trip. You can also bring audiobooks to listen to while driving.
Snacks (chips, sweets or favourite biscuits) are always good entertainment and one of the things we advise you as a must-have as they can save you from any critical situation that may arise on the journey.
If your car or campervan has a screen, bring some downloaded movies or put some downloaded movies on or stream some films. Another option is to download movies to a tablet or mobile phone. With this plan you usually forget that you are travelling as a family, at least for a while!
Another good tip, although sometimes it can be more difficult for us, is to take advantage and travel at night, as many hours as possible, as this way the kids usually sleep and don't notice anything.
If you can't drive during the night, we recommend making stops where they have a place to play, such as parks or squares, and let them get tired, play and run around. This way, when you get back on the road, they can rest for a long time!
Finally, one of the things they love is to receive a gift during the trip. Something simple like a sticker magazine, for example. It keeps them excited and entertained for a while. Leaving a toy or a book hidden for the return trip always works as well, as for them it is a novelty with which they will be entertained for longer than with the rest of the things they have been looking at all their holidays.
We are grateful for the collaboration of Nadine Rupp in this post, as thanks to her experience in road trips with children, especially between Germany and the Aquarius campsite, she has given us great ideas!
With these tips, we are sure that you will keep your family entertained and
enjoy a holiday full of fun, adventure and memories! Don't forget to tag us in all your plans during your holiday and we will share them with the rest of the community @campingaquarius.
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